FREE SHIPPING & FREE DELIVERY FREE SHIPPING! If the items in your order total $100 or more and shipping is within Canadian provinces, your order ships FREE! If the items in your order total less than $100 and shipping is within Canadian provinces, your shipping charge is $10! FREE DELIVERY on any order amount in Kitchener-Waterloo, St. Jacobs, Conestogo, Bloomingdale, Ontario. Shipments are shipped from Southern Ontario, Canada. Our store is set up to ship within Canada and the US only. Actual US shipping rates will be calculated and invoiced separately. If you would like us to ship to you outside of Canada or the US, please contact us directly at 519-664-0001 or email us at Our Payment Processor is PayPal. A PayPal account is NOT REQUIRED to pay. You will be given a choice to pay with a PayPal account or credit card on the payment page. Currency is in Canadian Dollars. For exchange rates go to |